It’s my YouTube premier! Great face to be paused on right? Hand up and everything! Oh well! This is how I feel about you teachers! It is my honor to teach you… and to see you make my ideas BETTER in your classrooms. What’s ONE thing I’ve helped you learn in the classroom? How have you made it better?
Please tell me!
You are too cute! Watching this video took me back to WW 101 🙂
How can I pick just ONE thing you have taught me? Everything I know about Writer's Workshop, I've learned from YOU! I couldn't say that I've made it better. Although a few kindergarten teacher's taught the bubble gum stretch lesson with REAL bubble gum. Yikes! Can you imagine?
The most valuable piece of information I have learned from you would have to be your inspiration for writing. It sounds silly typing it here, but you have inspired me to love writing and that inspiration has spread to my students!
Keep up the good work in the trenches. It is truly making a difference.
Aww! You are always the sweetest! And my BEST blog commenter! 🙂 As always…
I THOUGHT about real bubble gum… but that is just way too much for me to handle!
I am glad I have inspired you! I'm sure you've taken my ideas into the trenches and made them better! Thanks girl!
What I have learned or what I love: I love your writing conferencing tips and the strategies you use to get kiddos writing more. I love how you keep it simple without a lot of fluff, so their learning is intrinsic. They want to BE writers. You make learning meaningful.