Hey y’all! Yes… it’s DECEMBER! And a cold 1st day of December in Texas too! I’m joining up with teachers all over the country for Farley’s currently. You should too.
Listening: What happened to the good old days of raking? Seriously… that sound is SO.ANNOYING.
Loving: I did! I have to admit I wasn’t really as excited this year as I usually am. It felt more like a task on the to-do list, but once I got started, I was glad I did it. I had to get it decorated! 25 24 days until Christmas people! WHAT? That is CRAZY!
Thinking: We had an entire week off for Thanksgiving and I will tell you it was heavenly! I didn’t even take my work computer home (OK- so I took it home, but I did not open it/turn it on once). It was amazing and much needed. Now of course I’m right back at it again! Education is so exhausting y’all!
Wanting: I have to BUY said presents yet, but wrapping presents is my absolute favorite thing to do! I’m sure that will change when I have kids- and there are a ZILLION to wrap!A friend of mine had a brilliant idea- Santa presents are not wrapped! That would save a lot of time/work right? Maybe I’ll do that someday. No! This is not the announcement that there are kids on the way!
Needing: There’s like no time between holidays this year. Is it always like that? It just feels rushed this year. We got home from Thanksgiving- and in two more weekends, we are leaving again! I have to get a tree-and SOON- or it won’t be worth all the work to put it up! But husband was hooked to the TV watching football yesterday, and a Christmas Tree is just not on his list of needing right now.
Giving: You know it’s always FREE! If you haven’t been…. please… the GIVING is GOOD!
Found your blog through the Currently link up, and I'm a fellow Texas girl! I want the pleasant weekend weather we had back ASAP!
Teaching, Love, Cupcakes
I enjoy wrapping presents too–hope you have a great December and happy Holidays!!
-Lovely Nina